Sunday, December 12, 2010


An example of what I did in my second manga juku class. The subject was Panelling. I made a one page comic about a random daily experience I had (true story ._. ) and the pro sensei came and repanelled it to show me how it could be expressed more dynamically. (She did two different versions. The one on the left is the revised one.)

Basically when I go to Japanese restaurants I get nervous asking if I pay before the meal or after cause I never know which it is! So I was working up the courage to ask, all the while paying for a mealticket....and then I asked the lady, /handed over the ticket/, and wondered why she was reacting with just.."Yes...?" and a confused expression on her face. I was wondering if it was my Japanese or she was like this cause I'm a foreigner and sat down, then realized about the mealticket. Facepalm.

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