Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giant Nan!

Ok, not much going on other than drawing a lot and walking a lot, but here's some of the little delights I've found! I'm starting to become a regular at this restaurant called Asian Dining Lama. For only 780 yen (680 if it's the curry of the day) you get a salad, a bowl of curry, a drink and refillable nan or rice. You're sure to leave full, and it tastes pretty good, and it's run by an Indian (I think) so I can kind of relax in there. And the nan is gigantic! (My hand is in the pic for scale.)

Maybe it's cause I've been living in expensive-food-Perth, but I love it! They also have one of those challenges where if you can finish eating a massive dish of curry you get it for free, but I don't think I could handle that with my tiny stomach.

I also went to Takadanobaba and saw the coolest little bar ever, there were old-school figurines in the window, bizarre tribal statues out front, garlic hanging all over the walls and their idea of Christmas decorating is this:

They serve champloo apparently. I'm intrigued.


  1. That mask at the bottom picture is so cool. Any photos of the interior?

  2. It's spelled 'naan'. :P You can also get them that size in Australia.

  3. I spelled it the Japanese way. :P But in Australia you don't get infinite refills, especially not at that price.

    Nope, not yet. ><

  4. Also unfortunately the perspective in the photo makes it look way smaller than it actually was. ;_;
