Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haven't posted in a while due to having to do boring stuff like work, job searching, opening a bank account, etc. I did however really enjoy Nakano Broadway Arcade, so I took another trip to explore. I find this place a lot more interesting than the famed Otome Road - many more otaku & old school toy shops, which I found by accident as I went there looking for the tin toy shop and shop that sells things people forgot on the train, which I read about on the net but couldn't find. :( Still it's the most fun shopping location I've found so far (aside from Harajuku maybe) and it's a short bus ride from home.

I also went with my ex-classmate to see the Howl's Moving Castle-style Ghibli clock in Shiodome - we got there right about noon, when it went off, moving its turrets and waving its arms, with little mechanical people working inside. We also went to Harajuku, where I found a T-shirt with Pedo Bear on it. o_o

Yes, I know, the bear was originally 2ch's Kuma, and it wasn't till later that it became famous as Pedo Bear, but nonetheless, priceless.

I can't get to the books!


  1. Eh?? More interesting than Otome rd? Omg Ronald's losing...

  2. Just use mouthy, impatient Western etiquette to push your way through the crowds, in accordance to Australian sensibilities.

  3. Yeah that works. Even just pointing works, lol.
